East Anglian Broadband Summit – 21st March 2014

On 21st March 70 delegates from across East Anglia gathered at Bedford Lodge Hotel in Newmarket to debate how East Anglia could make faster progress in closing the digital divide which rural communities suffer.  Organised by the East of England Rural Forum, of which Martin is Vice Chair, with Mid Norfolk MP, George Freeman, Anglia Farmers, The CLA and Countryside Alliance the event led to the development of a manifesto for digital connectivity.

Martin is now working as part of the campaign group to address the improvements needed in digital connectivity across East Anglia

East Anglian Digital Connectivity Summit – Resolutions

An East Anglian campaign over the next 12months, encompassing all the countryside and small business organisations speaking with one voice

Focused on ‘digital connectivity’ – both broadband and digital mobile, based on 2 key arguments:

Economic: Rural renaissance / high tech cottage industry / Norfolk way / new California

Efficiency of public services: social justice, access to public services / digital connectivity a human right, for young and old, addressing rural poverty / hidden deprivation

Broadband: what do we want?: A voucher scheme for accelerating connectivity to the final mile; Clearer systems for communicating the roll-out plan so people know when it will arrive; A new model for ensuring BT actively supports alternative providers; Re-prioritise the roll out plans to stop businesses being ignored; Impose a duty on government and BT to tell people when they have fast broadband and how to tell their ISP to upgrade their service

Digital mobile: Approach big 4providers in spirit of positive commercial openness; Work with LEPs, county councils, district councils and business organisations to pull together a business case to show the level of growth and latent demand in East Anglia; Develop an accurate map of the blackspots and ‘partial notspots’ and level of service interruption; Push for planning reform to allow taller masts; Flag non-compliance with EU road safety transponder directive

Campaign and set up steering group