George Collison mission to Hunan, China May-June 2019

From early May to early July George Collison was based in Changsha, Hunan Province in China on behalf of Lincolnshire County Council and partners to explore the potential for agrifood, technology and related trade and exchange.

This builds on the established partnership between Lincolnshire and Hunan Province and reciprocal visits over the last 4 years between the two areas.

Over the 9 week mission George worked closely with government departments for agriculture, education and foreign affairs and was fortunate to visit many companies and University departments.  George has produced a report for Lincolnshire to set out the top 10 opportunities for future trade and cultural exchange, with a specific focus on Agri-food Technology, but which also covers the potential for education, tourism and cultural exchange.

George is now discussing with Lincolnshire partners how best to deliver a long term, strategic bilateral trade, technology and cultural platform to guide future development of the relationship between Hunan and Lincolnshire.