Martin Collison speaks at NFU Norfolk water summit – January 2014

Martin Collison spoke at a Norfolk NFU meeting on the challenges of water supply for agriculture.  Martin discussed the challenge posed by a rising population, increase demand for crops such as salads which need irrigation, climate change and the fact that many of the parts of the World from which we currently import these crops are now running short of water supplies.

This creates a large opportunity to increase the UK fresh produce sector, but we can only do so if we have secure water supplies.  With the fresh produce sector worth £3.5bn and employing 100,000 people, but with substantial imports also needed to meet growing UK demand, there is potential to deliver large economic benefits if we can grow more produce in the UK.  To meet this demand we need more investment in water storage, efficient irrigation systems and a water licensing regime which supports the growth of this industry.

The meeting was covered in the EDP at: